Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ramen bloat

I'm slightly more optimistic than yesterday but still in a funk. The student loans are at the very earliest going to come in Saturday but they highly doubt it. And for the record, I'm tired of ramen. I'm officially out of produce and beans just did not sound good. But my tummy is so bloated. :( Wow what a whining blog post. It really is a nice day out today and I've had plenty of great moments watching Connor sing "eeeee iiii" to Oliver's "There was a farmer named Connor...."I haven't even touched my schoolwork the last 2 days. I'm assigning myself to the computer tomorrow. Today, I will pick Jake up from school, head to the parents and then proceed to use their lovely washer and dryer. hahahaha. Why can't the laundry do itself? The addition of a baby in the home quadruples your laundry. I used the last of the pears to make Connor a yummy dish: Blend up the pears with agave, a touch of soymilk and chia seeds. Let it sit in the fridge for a bit. He loves it!

Feeling a little better. Connor took a nice almost 2 hour nap. I got some snuggle time in with Oliver and then I treated myself to a honey mask (just slather honey on your face) LOL, I know that sounds weird but it makes for really soft skin afterwards. 

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